If Ya Wanna Be My (Summa) Lover

June 19th, 2017 at 2:00am

The nineties have returned with a vengeance in the fashion world, from platforms to jellies to *gasp* scrunchies. But I say it’s time for a resurgence of the greatest nineties trend; the girl gang. This summer, trade in your #relationshipgoals for #friendshipgoals. A college girl is only home for three months before heading back to the reality of due dates and dusty professors, so why waste a summer on a romance? Fall for your BFFs this season because, honey, if Carrie Bradshaw has taught us anything, it’s that gal pals are always in style.

First things first: Being a part of the #girlboss era means that spontaneous adventure plans usually get axed by work. So reach out to your girl gang to make a date. Write down your plans in a cute planner to give you things to look forward to during your long days at work. Don’t have a girl gang yet? Thank goodness for social media! DM that girl with the awesome sense of style you’ve seen on Instagram, and you’re set.

When your ladies have all gotten in formation (hopefully in your matching ASOS Best Friend jackets), make sure to take lots and lots of pictures. This is the youngest we will ever be and the oldest we’ve ever been; and if that isn’t an Insta-worthy occasion I don’t know what is. Invest in a Polaroid camera this summer for memories you can take with you back to your dorm room in a fun photo album. The film may fade over time, but the memories certainly won’t. Although friends don’t let friends go home without a good selfie to post, try to stay off your phone while you are spending time with them. Life is ten times better when you actually experience it, not just through the Snapchat lens.

Being in your twenties is known as your “selfish” years: a trial period for the rest of your life. Although it’s great to have your friends by your side, don’t lose focus on the most important, challenging, and most rewarding relationship you’ll ever have: the one with yourself. Take time this summer to get to know yourself by yourself. Who are you when social media isn’t looking? Summers come and go, friends come and go, styles come and go (thankfully), but the one thing that will always stay is you. This is the summer of love; of self love.

How do you plan on spending your summer months: with friends, yourself, or your SO? Any tricks on how to balance relationships with friends, yourself, and romantic interests (oh my)? Share below or on social media (be sure to tag @CFashionista!) to help a girlfriend out.
