
Why Treating Yourself REALLY Is Important (Especially During Midterms)

October 6th, 2016 at 2:00am

By now, we all know the famous “Parks and Rec” “treat yo’ self” reference and probably hear Aziz Ansari cheering us on every time we partake in some sort of self-indulgence. The idea of treating yourself has become, dare I say, “trendy” and we constantly see people posting pictures of their bath bombs or cupcakes on social media with this ideology. The truth, however, is that most people still feel guilty when they indulge in a decadent dessert or skip a leg day.


With that being said, I’m here to tell you that it really is important to treat yourself sometimes. While physical health is important, mental health needs to be taken just as seriously. Denying yourself what your body wants/needs can lead to serious mental health issues. There are already so many external stressors we as college students must manage (school work, the future, budgets, jobs, relationships), why create additional stress for ourselves? So often just listening to your body will tell you what is right for you in the moment. For example, if your body is exhausted and begging you to stay home from the gym and sleep, then getting a few extra hours of Zzzs is probably more beneficial than dragging yourself through an ab set half asleep. Enjoying that rest day or giving into the occasional scrumptious doughnut allows you to savor the “treat” and live a more balanced, happy and healthy life!

Remember, you need to live the life that’s best for you! While I highly recommend eating healthy and staying active, sometimes you really do just need to treat yo’ self. Take a hint from some of these Style Gurus and get some tips on how to pamper yourself during this stressful midterms season!

Crepes are a welcomed treat to that regular egg white omelet or avocado toast. (Photo via @sarahelizabethoxx)


Sure, a day at the spa probably isn’t in the college budget. But a fancy bar of soap or bath salts can transform your bathroom into a little zen oasis. (Photo via @valeriecammack)


Take a break from screen time. Get outside, park yourself on a bench with a great cup of coffee, your favorite magazine and ample people watching opportunities and just relax. (Photo via @ciaobrea)


Because sometimes your body doesn’t want another salad. (Photo via @sarahcyung)


Who needs a boyfriend? Be your own greatest love and shower yourself with a “just because” flower bouquet. (Instagram @withlovethelms)


There is something magical about not setting an alarm and having a lazy morning. (Photo via @baileychupein)

