For every outfit, there is something underneath being hidden away. For many of us, the money spent on well-made undergarments can seem like a waste if no one ends up seeing it besides you and your cat. With a college budget in mind, “wasting cash” is not high on any of our lists. Thankfully, uncovering your undergarments can not only showcase your favorite delicates, but also add a unique touch to every look.
The trick to this trend is moderation. By showcasing a peak of your favorite undergarment—whether it be sparkly socks, your go-to Calvins or some fishnet tights—you’ve effortlessly added a focal point to your look and made your investment completely worthwhile. It would be a shame to allow something you love to go unnoticed. Before you run to rifle through your dresser to seek out that lace piece you’ve been saving, check out how these Fashionistas mastered this trend with ease.
Go for the lingerie trifecta: Mesh, lace and silk (Photo via @br.iana)
Transparency and sparkles; what else could you ask for? (Photo via @n_agem)
Showcase your socks because they never get any attention (except from your shoes). (Photo via @katilyn_perry)
Make your torn fish nets into ankle socks. Wear them with loafers for a modern take on the classic school girl look. (Photo via @marybordelon)
Now take those fishnets to another level and spruce up your basic crop top. (Photo via @gabscherer)