

March 11th, 2015 at 2:00am

Spring break is right around the corner and although icy snow is covering the ground, flowers will soon pop up, temperatures will rise and bathing suit season will be here before we know it. Although the weather won’t allow us to participate in our beloved warm weather activities we can still prepare for those hot summer days by hitting the gym. Does this mean we have to hide behind baggy T-shirts and sweats pants? No way! Ugly and unflattering clothes are a thing of the past and finding the perfect workout clothes and showing them off is the best part about going to the gym, right?

This Fashionista was braving the falling snow as she walked up the icy path on her way to the gym. I was impressed and a little jealous of her dedication and determination as I found it hard to make it out of bed that morning. In true Fashionista style, her adorable gym clothes seemed to fuel her confidence and optimism as she headed to the gym. Her matching zip-up hoodie and leggings were perfect for hitting the fitness center while still acting as a perfectly acceptable classroom outfit. Time is of the essence and the less time you need to change your clothes throughout the day, the better. Gym clothes and neon colors seem to go hand in hand and this touch of teal streaming down the sides of her leggings gives this outfit just the right fun, fluorescent touch without going overboard. Extending that summery color down even further is a pair of Nike sneakers. Wearing a brightly colored sneaker to the gym is the perfect way to show you’re serious about your fitness but you’re also serious about your fashion! This Fashionista matched the color perfectly and was sure to make some other gym goes jealous of her workout wardrobe.

One Simple Change: Throw on a pair of comfy boots and a warm sweater and you’re ready to hit the books at the library right after your gym session.
