
WHAT TO WEAR: Traveling

June 16th, 2015 at 2:00am

Pack up the weekender kids, we are going on a road trip! Summers are the perfect time to for those fun and unexpected weekend trips to the beach or hustling up your packed car to the family lake house. Staying simple and cool is the key to an unpredictable weekend away, so taking the basic essentials is a must while staying vacation chic and travel appropriate.

Even though summer never fails with the heat, this Fashionisto does not compromise his charming outfit for the exciting weekend ahead. Pairing a crisp striped button-down shirt with easy-going shorts makes it simple to hop in the loaded car or jump on a plane. Sunglasses are a key staple to this outfit giving it the relaxed summer vibe it deserves. Splurge on some classic sunnies like Ray-Ban sunglasses to keep the outfit fresh, or pick up a handy inexpensive pair from H&M to have at any bright moment’s notice. Lastly, a pair of slip-on boating shoes usually does the trick to tie the whole outfit together and make you look and feel perfect for the future trip ahead.

One Simple Change: Switching the average pair of shorts to bright and bold prep shorts can take you from travel prepared to happy hour ready later on. Also, Fashionistos, try switching things up by adding a classic “Havana summer nights” straw fedora to add a touch of pep into the final look. These simple adjustments are just what you need for the ideal night out.
