When I found this college Fashionista on campus she was hiding in the dorms after a long day at the pool. While she may have spent all day at th pool, she still looked fabulous. Her outfit of choice was very simple, but it had functionality. Her outfit was a pairing of pieces that would work with her, rather than against her, to combat this summer heat.
This Fashionista was wearing floral print shorts that were flowy and flattering. These shorts catch all the breezes and are super lightweight. Her floral shorts were paired with a cream top. The top is rather simple looking from the front; which is a good choice since her shorts have such a busy pattern. However, running along the top of the front of the shirt and the upper shoulders onto the back of the shirt there is a crocheted pattern. This detail adds more to this adorable outfit and does not clash with the shorts. She has the shirt tucked into the shorts creating great waistline. For this outfit, her shoe of choice was a silver patina Madrid Birkenstock. This shoe is the perfect all-purpose summer shoe. Birkenstocks offer great support and comfort for those summer excursions. In addition, they go with nearly EVERYTHING. They can be worn very casually or they can be dressed up.
When it comes to summer outfits it is import to pair lightweight pieces, bright colors and patterns. The key to keeping cool this summer is to wear the least amount of clothing on the hottest days that are soon approaching but still maintain class and style. This outfit accomplished all of those things and that is why it is a perfect outfit for summer.
One Simple Change: While this Fashionista’s outfit is already adorable my suggestion to her is to switch out her Birkenstocks for a strappy wedge heel if she is going out on a date, to a summer concert or just a night in the city.