Summer is here. It’s hot and days are filled with lots of outdoor activities such as concerts, walks, sightseeing, bonfires and vacations. In a season where the weather can hinder the ability to create a great outfit, choosing pieces that will not make people sweat and are versatile for the chilly nights as well, is something every Fashionista should want. The more simple the piece, the more it can be worn on all occasions.
If you are anything like this Fashionista, being comfortable is just as important as being fashionable. She wants to wear pieces that make her look trendy, but she does not want to be uncomfortable. A piece like this black romper is a perfect addition to a wardrobe for the summer. It is simple and can be worn on multiple occasions, casual or formal. It is not heavy and will keep her from sweating as she enjoys all the activities summer offers. A pair of gold sandals are a good addition to this black romper to spice it up a bit. With a black romper, an outfit can look dull without some color. Gold matches almost anything so these sandals will be great for all summer outfits. Gold bracelets and a brown purse are added to make the outfit feel complete.
One Simple Change: This look is perfect for summer and all outdoor activities from sightseeing to bonfires. However, summer and next fall are going to be filled with occasions that require dressing up. This could be the perfect outfit for her when she goes back to Greek life in the fall. With a pair of colorful heels and a light sweater, this outfit can be transformed in to the perfect formal event outfit.