

August 5th, 2015 at 2:00am

It is no surprise that white is a trend for summer, every summer. It’s a light and fresh color that can make you look tan and like you belong on a beach drinking some kind of ridiculous drink that you just hope you don’t spill on yourself.

An all-white outfit is just as classic and chic as an all black outfit, which means both are acceptable any time of the year. Both aesthetics are descendants of minimalism, a theme that has taken over Instagram and proven to be a well known and highly accepted movement. We’ve seen minimalism in art and music, but now it’s fashion’s turn. I say “descendants” because minimalism is often mistaken for being monochromatic. While some minimalistic outfits may be monochromatic, there are loads of styles, shapes and aspects of minimalism, in addition to the possibility of a monochromatic look that may not be as prominent or eye catching.

This Fashionista wore a crisp white strapless summer dress with eyelet fabric, so basically the definition of summer essentials. The dress teamed up with a long blazer vest, which lends some edginess to the classic summer staple. It would drive my mom crazy that the two pieces are not the same shade of white, but imperfections like this can be quirky and just the right amount of unusualness. Flaws in fashion don’t have to be flaws at all sometimes.

One Simple Change: Go from summer white to winter white. Swap the dress for a top and white jeans. Trade in the sandals for sneakers. Keep the blazer vest and bulk on silver jewelry to fit in with the typical winter coloring.
