Winter is around the corner and the days are getting colder and colder. That means, it’s finally time to break out the oversized cozy sweaters and warm boots!
Winter is not my favorite time of year because I am in love with the summer weather however keeping it comfortable with your clothing definitely helps you get through the brutal winter weather. This Fashionista got her sweater from her dad’s closet (vintage!)–and I am just loving the neckline. If you’ve been reading my posts for a while, you know I am all about shopping in the men’s section! Sometimes, the men’s section has better clothing options than the women’s and when you want to find the perfect oversized sweater, the men’s section never fails!
This Fashionista paired her oversized sweater with a lot of dainty accessories that I am in love with! This is a perfect example of how you can wear a men’s pieces of clothing but make it feminine at the same time to suit your style. She layered a long, more attention seeking stone necklace with a smaller delegate one. Layering necklaces is something I really need to work on and I’ve come to realize that it isn’t as easy as it may seem. I never know which necklaces work best with which and fail to look as cool and effortless as this Fashionista. Carrying on with her dainty bits of jewelry, did you all see of her earrings?! I believe they are a little alligators or lizards type of animal but nonetheless, super cute and adds a quirky touch to her ensemble.
For the rest of the outfit, this Fashionista continued with the simple, cozy and comfortable theme. She found the perfect classic blue jeans from American Eagle Outfitters (which is such a great brand for any type of jeans). The fitted fit of her jeans is perfect for this outfit because it adds shape to the outfit. My mom always says, “if you’re going to have a loose top, have a fitted bottom or if you’re going to have loose bottoms, have a fitted top” and I think that’s a great rule of thumb to keep in mind!
All this Fashionista had left to do was throw on some autumnal colored boots, some shades, a smile and was ready to go. She is ready for the library in style and comfort (which is the best way to be!).
One Simple Change: Just finished studying and want to meet some friends for a girl’s night out? Perfect, just switch the boots to some booties to transform the look from day to night!