
WHAT TO WEAR: Interviews

February 25th, 2016 at 2:10am

Hey friends, just in case you aren’t keeping a countdown until summer (like me) there are three months left of this semester. While I’m sure we’re all eager to escape our current course loads, there’s a little guy named responsibility lurking in the background of the summer excitement and he says “GET A JOB!”

Yes friends, it’s crunch time for landing that dream internship or first job, and that means interviews, interviews and more interviews. So how do you dress to impress and not be one person in a pack of interviewees who shows up in a black blazer? Let’s check out this week’s professional Fashionista.

At the root of this outfit is the beloved Canadian tuxedo. I’m talking denim on denim people. It’s a thing and it works for her perfectly. She contrasted a light wash button-down with dark wash jeans. Go ahead and do yourself a favor by investing in a pair of dark wash jeans (especially if you’re like me and the words slack or trouser freak you out). While you’re at it, follow her lead and pick up a skinny belt to tie in your booties or flats.

My favorite part of this outfit are the pops of color in her accessories that jive with the blazer. This outfit would have a completely different feel if something as small as the color of blazer changed. Color can say a lot about your personality so don’t be afraid of it!

This week’s Fashionista killed it. You can stay true to your personal style and still please corporate America. Obviously, denim isn’t acceptable in all situations so if you do decide to go that route, make sure that what you choose to wear fits the culture of the company you’re trying to impress. And most importantly, wear something that makes you feel good. ‘Look good, feel good’ is just as real as it is cliche.

One Simple Change: Celebratory drinks are a must when you inevitably nail your interview and snatch the job so ditch the blazer, undo the top few buttons and swap your booties for some fun pointy-toed heels and you’re golden to go from day to night.
