
WHAT TO WEAR: Interview

October 9th, 2015 at 2:00am

Getting yourself together for class can be stressful , not to mention you have to take into account that you will most likely be doing a lot of walking. So what do you do when you have a jammed pack schedule of classes and BAM, an interview for an important job or leadership position places itself right in the middle of your crazy day? Well, the solution may not be quite as hard as it seems. This Fashionista conquers the situation with ease and appears to have it all together, ready to kill that interview.

Bringing out those ‘70s vibes with a button-down corduroy skirt and classic white blouse, this Fashionista looks not only put together, but fashionable as well. Lets be honest, no one really wants to show up an interview in the same old boring black pants suit that the employer has probably seen on 100 different people. Us girls sometimes struggle with finding an ensemble that is appropriate, yet showcases our unique personality. So let me break down this outfit a little further and express why it works.

For girls, skirts can be tricky. Is it too tight? Too short? Too casual? Does it make my butt look big? We can spend hours and hours staring in the mirror waiting for epiphany that never comes. This simple, A-line makes nearly all of those questions obsolete. While it is still important to consider length, the cut of the garment allows for a little more wiggle room, but not so much so that you might accidentally pull a Marilyn Monroe. The Fashionista’s choice of a neutral, terracotta color allows for easy pairing, as well as a nice change from typical black.

In regards to her blouse, it is a great go-to for an interview and the vertical lines add a nice visual appeal. She sticks to simple jewelry and purse, so the look is not too over the top and a slick pony, because who really wants to risk frizzy hair after walking around all day? Lastly, the final (and my personal favorite) element of this Fashionista’s look are her cheetah print ballerina flats. Not only is the print fun, but it also ties in all of the neutral colors. I believe this is truly where her personality shines through and shows not only employers, but also her classmates who she is. Plus, an added bonus is that she will actually be able to feel her feet at the end of the day and not have to hobble home with heels in hand.

One Simple Change: Not enough accessories for you? Try a unique statement ring or attention-grabbing earrings, which well add some edginess, perfect for a girl’s night out.
