If you are a Fashionista and looking for a job in this industry, chances are you have had to deal with the slight chill that runs down your spine at the thought of an interview. Aside from the usual pre-interview nerves, there are some other questions that run through your mind. “How do I look professional and fashionable? How do I show my personality (think along the lines of bright pink, cheetah or leather) without showing too much of my own creative independence? How do I stand out, but in a good way?” It is important to feel sure of yourself going into one of these terrifying interviews. After a night that likely consists of tossing and turning and overall minimal sleep, a good outfit is just what you need. This outfit should make you feel confident, flawless and like Beyoncé in every way possible.
A great way to avoid coming across as too flashy at an interview is to stick to muted colors, and black is one of the most professional looking ones. It is also is a color that reminds you that you are tough as nails, or at least makes you believe that for the next few hours. The high neckline, quarter-length sleeves and knee length hem show that this Fashionista knows exactly what is appropriate in the office. However, the dress itself shows that she also knows what is going on in runway fashion. The dress is androgynous just like the majority of looks that have been presented around New York, Milan, Paris and London this month. The draped neck cascades down the front and cuts into an open flap showing a bit of feminism in her look as well.
A small black and brown wallet paired with her black tinted sunglasses complement the her dress, while the bright red lipstick adds a pop of color and chicness, which contrasts the rest of the outfit. I know a colored lip in the day can seem a little scary, but a great way to make sure it is not too overpowering for your 9-to-5 workday is to keep the rest of your beauty looks clean and simple. A little powder, mascara and sleek hair goes a long way with a bold lip.
Lastly, her light gray pointy-toed flats are a great way to make sure no one tries to step in her way, literally, when going in for this interview.
One Simple Change: Want to celebrate with your friends after killing the interview? This look is still fitting for a girl’s night out. Just throw on darker eye make up, pull your hair in a sleek high ponytail and add some high heel booties. Professional outfits can be transformed into a great going out look with just a few substitutions.