
WHAT TO WEAR: Greek Life

February 16th, 2015 at 2:00am

While psychologists everywhere believe most humans associate the color red with anger or fear, I strongly correlate the color red with empowerment. There’s just something about slicking on a deep rouge lipstick or stepping into a bright red pair of stilettos that makes me feel determined and fierce. Furthermore, nowadays the color red is associated with women’s heart health. In fact, February is women’s heart health awareness month. While some women are dealing with heart health in the sense of struggling with boyfriends who engage in suspicious Snapchat behavior, other women are dealing with a more serious problem.

This Fashionista, part of Kent State’s Alpha Phi chapter, was spotted on her way to an event to raise money for women’s heart health. She effortlessly dons a bold red dress and is indeed PHIerce (pun intended). To make the look more robust, she adds an ombre fur vest, one of the biggest emerging trends seen throughout the last year. With the simple but key addition of a couple statement rings, her ensemble becomes more complex and audacious. She finishes her outfit with a pair of gry pumps to tie in the colors from the vest for visual appeal.

Red is not an easy color to pull off. When wearing red one usually walks a thin line between tacky and stylish. Fortunately for this Fashionista her look was not on the tacky side of the line. Usually I prefer small doses of red to add contrast to my wardrobe. But when making a statement, do not be afraid to embrace vivid hues of rouge and feel all the more confident in the process.

One Simple Change:
Let’s say instead of February, it’s June, and you’re going to a concert. Lucky you! Switch out the vest for a long floral kimono to add some bohemian vibes to your red dress.


  • Allyson Kramer

    Currently a fashion merchandising student at the lovely Kent State University with a minor in public relations Loves long walks on the beach and Betty White