
WHAT TO WEAR: Date Night

June 30th, 2015 at 2:00am

Every girl wants to feel special, particularly on date night. For me, looking good has always meant feeling good. I love to dress up, even just to see a movie with my boyfriend. Wearing something too cute for class or work has a way of putting a smile on my face that I know he appreciates more than the outfit. So, in order to boost your own date night confidence, try sporting a dressier look.

This Fashionista is first date ready in a classic ensemble. Her white, lace skater dress is on trend but will also never go out of style. It is the perfect color for the first date because it isn’t too bold like hot pink, but it’s also not as safe as black. And lace just seems to say, “love.”

Her sandals continue the statement making all-white trend. And the open toe look is much more casual than flats or heels, letting your date know that you’re ready for some fun.

My favorite part of this Fashionista’s look is her bold, gold accessories. She chose beautiful large, statement earrings because they don’t get lost in her abundantly curly hair. Her mixture of stackable, gold and rhinestone bangles really standout against her sun-kissed, summer skin.

Lastly, our Fashionista has kept her makeup simple. The perfect first date face requires only a little concealer, mascara and bronzer to give you that it-must-be-love glow.

One Simple Change: With the swap of her sandals for flats and her statement earrings for pearls, our Fashionista is ready to meet the parents. If the date goes well, of course.
