
WHAT TO WEAR: Cold Weather

February 3rd, 2015 at 2:00am

With the impending winter storm Juno over on the East Coast, it might be a bit melodramatic to say that it’s freezing here in the West Coast, but honestly, it is. It’s freezing. I walk to school, since I live off campus, and I know that the minute I can see my breath is the minute I rush back home to grab an extra wooly sweater and steaming hot mug of tea. Call it dramatic, but I just don’t deal with cold weather. I’m always running around in jeans and cardigans, hoping that if I dress for warmer weather, it will happen. Let’s be honest though, February is the debt of winter.

All of this being said, pulling off a spring outfit in winter just isn’t going to happen no matter how hard we try. Yet sometimes dressing warm doesn’t seem as appealing; silhouettes are bulkier and layering sometimes just seems downright annoying. Open scene to this Fashionista: she shows that winter fashion can be delightful. Her use of layering with texture and color makes for a playful, not dowdy, outfit. To balance out the tomboyish vibes of the layered sweaters, she sports delicate dreamcatcher earrings and a beaded necklace to add a soft feminine touch. Her black skinny jeans preserve the girlie look all while her spiked combat boots remind us that the look is still edgy. This Fashionista masters the cozy yet chic look of winter that is so difficult to obtain, especially when crawling back inside is so appealing.

In an ideal world, it would be perfect if the way we dressed dictated the weather, but I’m pretty sure that’s never gonna happen. So, for those of us who are cold weather drama queens, there are three huge takeaways from this Fashionista’s outfit: don’t fear layering, mix textures in all the pieces you wear, and I cannot emphasize it enough: accessorize. Braving the West Coast “blizzards” doesn’t have to be so fearsome if you simply prepare as this Fashionista did.

One Simple Change: Do you need to rush to work after class? Swap the layered sweaters for a classy peacoat, trade the spiked combat boots for a sleek flats and opt for bolder statement jewelry. You’ve got an adorable work outfit.
