
WHAT TO WEAR: Cardigan Classic

February 9th, 2017 at 2:00am

For college students who don’t have warm weather year-round, the brink of February calls for the occasional snowfall and gloomy days that seem to have no end, and the constant 30-degree chill that’s otherwise known as the infamous time when we are very much over winter. Aside from sweet Valentine’s Day preparations, we don’t have much left to look forward to this season except for the brooding cold, with holiday stockings and Christmas lights long gone.

But in contrast to the notorious weather, the beginning of a new semester also brings exciting new classes, opportunities, and even internships. Although outdoor activities are currently out of the question, weekends can lead to lazy days studying in that charming old library on State Street even if it does mean getting distracted by its mesmerizing architecture. For this graphic design student, however, hours of working on projects calls for a comfy yet stylish outfit (preferably involving a cozy cardigan).

This Fashionisto gets the job done by staying casual with a long-sleeved, denim button-down from H&M. Keeping the cold Chicago weather in mind, he pairs it with a gray cardigan from Target. Cardigans are a key staple in his wardrobe no matter what season, and this Fashionisto proves that sacrificing comfort for style doesn’t have to be an option when you can always add that extra layer of warmth. To continue his preppy look, he pulls it all together with simple black pants from H&M and gray Era 59 Vans with a leather touch.

Between classes and working as an intern, this freshman in college shows that it is definitely possible to be busy while still maintaining a keen sense of style. His routinely shirt-and-cardigan attire is straightforward yet classic—effortless yet well put-together. Men’s fashion doesn’t have to be as underrated as most people perceive it to be, and this is just one of the many examples that prove it. The clothes we wear are a reflection of how we choose to characterize ourselves in the world, so why not start the path to success in something that makes you feel confident?
