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WHAT TO WEAR: Back To School

January 21st, 2015 at 2:05am

By now, most of the student population has returned from winter break. The newness of a fresh semester is dying down and the actual grunt work from your classes is beginning to kick in. Your brain has to actually think about things other than sleep, Netflix and home cooked meals. Also, it’s probably cold. What in the world are you supposed to wear?

Going back to school during winter is equally exciting and depressing. On the one hand you have new classes, professors and classmates. On the other hand you have new classes, professors and classmates. Although it’s hard to look at change in a positive way, an easy way to help is to dress in something that makes you feel good. Wear an outfit that allows you to feel confident, comfortable and ready to take on whatever comes your way. Maxi skirts, heeled boots and black leather are just three options that you can wear to look like the most prepared and stylish Fashionista on campus.

This Fashionista got it right with a perfect back to school look. A maxi skirt is perfect for the start of winter semester because it allows the Fashionista to be dressed up and warm at the same time. Her black top that shows a little midriff is the perfect way to add a little fun to the first day back to school (especially since it doesn’t get that cold in the South). Her denim jacket and colorful scarf complete the outfit for an overall fun and stylish look. This outfit could be worn anywhere during your first week back to school including class, lunch or dinner with friends or even going out at night.

One Simple Change: To transform this look from day to night, I would trade the denim jacket for a black leather jacket. The outfit would look more edgy and sophisticated with almost all black. Try wearing this outfit during your days or nights back at school!
