We were always told to march to the beat of our own drum and dare to be different. We should be a leader and nothing close to a follower.
But in the age of influencers and content creators who control the media, embracing our uniqueness is starting to fall flat. I mean how many more articles do I have to read about the unicorn trend? What about feather brows or the Kardashians?
(Photo via @lyndeeboyce)
All of these trends are making us mindless robots. Media is constantly feeding us a narrow batch of content that are usually about the same things. So, where is the variety?
By wasting our time trying to fit into a small corporate-driven box, we are missing out on one essential thing: living itself.
(Photo via @livgraul)
Here’s a few reasons why we should start ditching trends and start experiencing life:
(Photo via @velvetnvinyl)
1 – All trends are not inclusive. When we think of trends, we immediately assume everyone is doing it, so we must do it ourselves. In reality, all trends are not going to work with everyone. It’s not because there’s something wrong with you, or necessarily the trend itself – we’re all made different. Remember when they tried to bring back crimped hair? That definitely would not bode well with my kinky-curly afro. There’s no reason to go out of your way to make a trend work just to fit in, so just be you.
(Photo via @emilydcole)
2 – Who’s the originator? The more that we become digitally integrated the more that we completely eliminate who the creator of the trend is. Does anyone know who started the trend of wearing fishnets and denim a fad? What about space buns? We no longer are giving credit where credit is due.
(Photo via @stressedbutalwayswelldressed)
3 – Trends don’t last. Trends are not forever. Just as soon as they start, they are over and replaced with a new cult obsession. So waste money trying to fit in with fleeting fads? You should wear what fits your personal style and what makes you feel your best.
What trend do you think we should stop following? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!