Top Ways to Keep Your Professional Attire Classy and Fabulous

August 7th, 2017 at 2:00am

As wisely stated by the famous Coco Chanel, “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” This quote applies to many areas of fashion but emphasizes an important point. It is crucial to remember these two elements when you’re getting your professional attire ready for a day at the office, an interview, or any professional setting.

The first item you should start with is your “centerpiece.” This would include dresses, shirts, skirts, or dress pants. Decisions like these must be made early on so you can ensure that you are truly dressing to impress. It is important to note that when individuals network in business settings, the only information a person provides is what they show standing before someone. This includes what they talk about and, more importantly, their professional attire. This Fashionista knows that a simple, straight, medium-length dress is a perfect way to stay cool in the heat while still looking classy and fabulous.

Another key to maintaining a professional look is to not be excessive. A dress with a simple print like this can allow you to make a statement while not going overboard. Your “centerpiece” will be your main focal point, so you want to ensure that your accessories complement your outfit and don’t do more harm than good. A gorgeous, safe way to do this is by picking a color and maintaining it. This Fashionista balances her look perfectly with a simple black handbag, black heels, a sassy pair of shades, and a cup of coffee for her travels. While the print on the dress adds flair, the solid black accents become an asset to the look.

As much as we all want to make a statement when networking with professionals, going to an interview, or attempting to be an adult in general, always remember to keep it simple, balanced, classy, and fabulous.

How do you show your style through professional attire? Show us on social media and tag @CFashionista!
