My Tried and True Tips for Productivity

October 4th, 2017 at 2:00am

I think it is safe to say that we all strive to lead successful, productive lives, but it’s hard to know where to start. Not everyone can be flawlessly time efficient and on-task at every moment, but there are definitely some ways you can build up to being the best, most diligent version of you. I’ve found these three tips to be my foolproof way of being as productive as I can.

PHOTO: Kayley Meden

First things first, you need to set achievable goals for yourself each day. I do this by writing a list of what I need and want to accomplish for the day in my planner and then break them into a list of “must-dos” and “could-dos.” By prioritizing my list of to-do’s, I am able to quickly see and plan ahead for what needs to be done by the end of the day, as well as have a list of things I would like to get done to maximize my productivity for the day. I have found that writing a list down lets me visualize completing the tasks and makes me more likely to stick to the plan. (And who doesn’t feel great crossing things off a list? So satisfying.)

PHOTO: Kayley Meden

Secondly, you need to prioritize your health. Creating healthy habits gives you the energy and fuel you need to power through a busy day. Getting a good nights sleep is fundamental to having a productive day, and, as tempting as it is to binge watch the next season of Friends, just turn off the Netflix, unwind, and get to bed. I’ve found that giving myself time to unwind before bed allows me to relax and wake up feeling rested and clear-minded. Another important part of a healthy routine is a good diet. I try to eat foods that will give me the nutrients I need to have energy throughout the day—and I don’t skip breakfast. Try finding light, healthy snacks that you can have during the day to subside feeling hungry between meals too. Last, but most importantly, is maintaining a regular exercise routine. I find this the hardest component when it comes to my health. Making an effort to get a workout takes dedication, discipline, and time. I’ve found that thinking of working out as a mandatory event in my day, rather than something I will decide if I have time for later on, forces me to make the time (even if it’s just going on a walk whilst responding to emails).

PHOTO: Kayley Meden

Lastly, having a good attitude will take you a long way. I’ve learned to accept that I won’t always have really productive days and that sometimes I need to take time for myself (and that is nothing to beat myself up over). Being patient and learning from failures is what helps you grow and become the best version of yourself, so each day I choose to have a positive attitude and do the best I can to get through the day’s challenges.

How do you stay productive? Tag @CFashionista and share with us!
