
The One Thing You Need To Survive Winter In Style

February 3rd, 2016 at 2:00am

Purse. Check. Keys. Check. Cell phone. (In your left hand, obviously.) Check. Making sure you have your daily necessities before you head out the door for class/dinner/yoga/a BFF hang sesh is vital.

One absolute must to add to your daily checklist? A scarf! This single accessory makes the winter weather a million times more bearable. And even on those days when the temperatures are scary cold, at least you can use this versatile piece to protect your neck, face and pretty much every visible patch of skin in a chic way.

As with any daily essential, it is important to find a scarf you l-o-v-e. Don’t know if you want a fur circle scarf or a chunky knit blanket one? Let these Style Gurus’ looks help you make the decision!


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