
THE MUSTS—All the fun, celebrations and random holidays you need to partake in this September

September 1st, 2016 at 2:00am

We aren’t usually one to pick favorites, but to hypothetically be “those people,” September would be on the top of our list. What’s not to love about September? It marks the beginning of some many great occasions: the new school year, fall season, the return of our favorite TV shows, fashion week, PUMPKIN SPICE SEASON.

There is so much to look forward to this September, it’s easy to loose track! Be sure to mark your calendar now so you don’t miss out on any of the fun (or delicious) holidays and happenings this month!

September 2—International Bacon Day. September also happens to be better breakfast month. Bacon is a guaranteed way to make any breakfast (and day) better and tastier.


September 5—Labor Day. The unofficial end of summer means an extra day to take it all in. So rock your favorite white shoes, head to the beach and eat as many hot dogs as you possibly can.

white pants

September 6—Fight Procrastination Day. Step away from the excuses and the Netflix. Whether it is actually making that spin class, finishing your reading assignment or cleaning your room, fight your urge to procrastinate and just do it.

just do it

September 8—New York Fashion Week. Today marks the beginning of “the most wonderful time of the year” for fashion enthusiasts—fashion month. You might as well ask your friend for the notes from class already because we know you will be stalking the latest spring-summer collections coming down the catwalk instead of actually listening to your professor.


September 11—Grandparent’s Day. Even if your Grandma is on Facebook and comments under every single photo on your wall with the word “Like,” today make it a point to actually pick up the phone and call her. Let her know you “like” (and love) her, too.


September 18—National Women’s Friendship Day. Gal pals are the best. If not for them, who else would appreciate brunch, screenshots and ragging on your exes as much as you do? So grab your girl gang and plan a day o’ fun celebrating the lady love you have for one another.

gal pal

September 20—”This Is Us” Premiere. I can’t be the only one who cries every time I see the preview for this much-anticipated new series, right? With a tagline “This is real. This is love. This is life,” how can you blame me (and not be equally excited)? Set your DVRs and bring your tissues.

this is us

September 21—World Gratitude Day. Whether it’s thanking your parents for, well, life or simply the barista for the extra special latte art, show appreciation for all the big and small things in your life. No one gets tired of hearing “thank you,” we promise.

thank you

September 22—First Day of Fall. Bust out the pumpkin spiced lattes and apple pie, your favorite season is finally here! Time to be your most basic and true self!


September 24—National Fitness Day. National Fitness Day is a great opportunity to push yourself and explore a physical activity you have been dying to try. Whether you are a marathon runner or get winded climbing the stairs, just find something that moves you (and makes you sweat a bit, too).


September 26—First Presidential Debates. Whether you’re “with her” or looking to “make America great again,” the first presidential debate is sure to be more dramatic, intense and ridiculous than a Pretty Little Liars season finale.

