
Taking Every Opportunity

August 8th, 2017 at 2:07am

If I could sum up everything that I’ve learned throughout my three years of college so far in one word, it would be opportunity. Many colleges and universities have a copious amount of opportunities that many students never even find out about during their, hopefully, four years there. From resume building to internship opportunities, to leadership opportunities and clubs, to traveling and studying abroad, the opportunities are endless. Although I would suggest to take up every single opportunity that you can get while you are in school, I would 500 percent recommend that if your college has the opportunity to study abroad or go on a study abroad trip, go!

A couple months ago I was able to attend an amazing study abroad trip to Spain, France, and Italy. It was only about a week and a half, but the memories and the relationships that were created are priceless. Although there were many, and I mean many, highlights to this trip I thought it would be fun to share three of my favorite places I went while I was in Spain, France, and Italy.

1—The Trevi Fountain. If you ever find yourself in Rome, this is one thing you can not miss. Although it is packed with tourists, it is still one of the most mesmerizing and beautiful fountains you will ever see, not to mention the Lizzie McGuire street cred. Traveling fashion tip: jumpsuits are a great traveling outfit, always wear comfortable sandals, and never forget your sunglasses!

2—Portovenere, Italy. One word to describe this view-wow. Sitting and looking out at the view makes you feel so small and reminds you how incredibly big this world is.

3—Arles, France. This little town is located in the south of France and is known to be the town where Vincent Van Gough used to live. A little café in this town had the best panini that I’ve ever had in my life and a number of places for photo ops are amazing. Between the colorful buildings and the greenery growing around the buildings, it was one of the most beautiful small cities I’ve been to.

Although there are many more places that I fell in love with while I was in Europe, these three are some that left the largest impression. So if your university has the opportunity for you to travel or study abroad I would highly recommend taking that step and going! The memories and the relationships you make will last a lifetime and it’s a great way to find out a little more about yourself! One last travel tip: if you ever find yourself in Italy, never turn down a scoop of gelato!

Where have you been traveling this summer? Show us on social media! Don’t forget to tag @Cfashionista.


  • Marissa Dodd

    Lover of coffee, fashion, travel, and social media. Learning to find joy in the simpler things in life. Majoring in Digital Marketing and Promotions. Currently in Washington, D.C. @marissa__dodd