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#StyleGuruLove—18 Reasons Our Styles Gurus Are Living The "Sweet" Life

October 14th, 2015 at 2:00am

Happy National Dessert Day, Fashionistas/os! Is there any sweeter day? (Get it?)

Here are three simple ways to celebrate this totally legitimate national holiday:

1. Let your “apple a day” be dipped in caramel, nuts, sprinkles, chocolate and magic.

2. Finally put an end to the debate of mint chip versus cookie dough by consuming a pint of both.

3. Check out the seriously delicious Instagram photos of the sweet treats and delectable goodies our Style Gurus that will make your mouth salivate and your fingers double tap in this week’s #StyleGuruLove round-up!

1. Ursh Khan

Ursh Khan

2. Urechi Uguguo

Urechi Uguguo

3. Sofina Bassett

Sofina Bassett

4. Sierra Cortner

Sierra Cortner

5. Nada Ezaldein


6. Mikaela Deladisma

Mikaela Deladisma

7. Lucy Van Ellis

Lucy Helena

8. Lian Najarian

Lian Najarian

9. Lexy O’Keefe

Lexy O'Keefe

10. Jessica Kovac

Jessica Kovac

11. Emily Harris

Emily Harris 2

12. Elizabeth Morabito

Elizabeth Morabito

13. Caroline Dilone

Caroline Dilone

14. Carly Tice

Carly Tice

15. Andy Jackson

Andy Jackson

16. Andrea Fernandez

Andrea Fernandez

17. Andie Cabero

Andie Cabero

18. Alexandra Hollander

Alexandra Hollander

Be sure to follow our Style Gurus’ adventures all semester long using the hashtag #StyleGuruLove on social media or in the social mosaic on the homepage of CollegeFashionista!
