February 1st, 2017 at 2:00am

Every year when the show begins to fall, we see fresh winter trends that attempt to tackle the strenuous relationship between staying stylish and keeping warm. This winter, the cape has emerged as the hot new piece to wear in the cold.

Capes make total sense. What is a Fashionista if not a superhero? The cape is not only a testament to your super powered fashion sense, but it’s also a way to basically wear a giant blanket in public and get away with it. This glorified outdoor snuggie is my favorite cozy winter trend so far.

My favorite part of my own cape is the detail in the buckle. The silver clasp and embroidery attachment creates a stunning central eye line.

Styling your cape to your own personal taste is easy. I prefer to let the cape take center stage, and keep the outfit underneath simple, classic and clean. A T-shirt and jeans is all I need to show my inner fashion sense. I like to wear my velvet black booties with my cape. They have a chunky velvet heel, and pointed toes which let me embrace my inner witch.

My cape is gray and without a hood, but capes come in many different varieties. Black, white, taupe, and even cranberry can be good color options for a cape, and a hood can add a little something special which also keeps your head warm and dry in the process.

This is a great outfit for running around town during cold weather days. I like to wear it whenever I have a shopping day, because it’s easy to throw on and off in a change room, and it keeps you warm when you’re going from store to store.
