Chanel’s spring 2016 ready-to-wear show featured an eclectic mix of hair accessories. Headbands were layered and baseball hats were worn backwards by models strutting down the airport inspired runway. With bags in their hands—luggage, totes and backpacks—the Chanel models were ready for take off. I normally associate baseball hats with summer camp or outdoor activities and backpacks that will forever reek of school, but this runway collection proved differently. While each look was unique and a statement on their own, they would not be complete without the accessories Chanel gave new life to in this collection. As for their clothing, there was a transition throughout the collection. In the beginning of the show, each look featured different variations of a print. Colors ranged from blues and reds to white and black. This seamlessly transitioned to the second part of the collection, which featured white, gray and black monochrome looks. The collection ended with more printed looks in a range of colors, from grays and silvers to pinks and purples.
I translated these runway accessory trends quite directly into an everyday look. I’m sporting a baseball cap, worn to the front—I can’t rock a backwards hat like these models can—and a leather backpack, featuring a map print which odes to the airport inspired set and vibe of the collection. I opted more for the middle part of the collection which featured monochrome sets to inspire my look. I went for neutral colors in attempt to draw more attention to my accessories. A leather skirt, a cream sweater and nude wedges together allowed my baseball hat and backpack to make a real statement.
Get My Look: 1. Leather skirt. 2. Map backpack. 3. Baseball hat.