The spring 2015 couture show from Chanel was everything, as always. It gave off the feel of the past being prevalent in the future with classic tweed outfits alongside synthetic flowers in the background that made you feel like you were in an industrial paradise. The colors were shining bright with orange, yellow, green and cerulean, but black and white are always staples in Chanel fashion. Lagerfeld paired just the right amount of A-line below-the-knee skirts with crop tops and eccentric hats to top it off. These hats chosen were considered to be another addition to the constant reinvention of fashion. The show explained myself in a sense with trying to keep vintage alive in this modern day world.
So, in honor of Karl, as I mostly do everything, I went for all-black. Although I didn’t have any flowers, I did have my thin gold necklace as my form of dainty-ness. I went with a slouchy dress, knee-high socks and my favorite suede booties. When I saw the collection of hats in this show, I knew this was the perfect opportunity to wear mine. I’ve always wanted a French beret, and when I visited Paris over the summer, there was no way I was going to pass up buying one. I’ve never allowed myself to wear it because, let’s be real, a girl wearing a beret in Florida is going to stand out. On second thought, I should probably wear it every day, then.
This spring 2015 show inspired me to keep living the way I do in this technological world. It makes me feel like even though I may not be the most tech savvy, I can walk around wearing my beret and pretend I’m in the streets of Paris. Chanel shows are full of endless imagination and possibility and it’s incredibly inspiring. Thank you, Karl, for being my spirit animal.
Get My Look: 1. A little black dress. 2. A French beret. 3. Suede booties.