April 18th, 2017 at 2:00am

Blank—my mind goes blank. I don’t know why I have a difficult time describing myself, it’s something I’ve always had a hard time doing. It’s not like I don’t know what I like, because I do, but I think it has to do with the fact that my likes are all over the place that they can’t be grouped into a certain category. An example would be the kind of music that I like. I like such a wide variety of music that I can’t say I like country music or I like Indie rock music—I say I like a lot of different types of music.

The same goes for the kind of clothing I wear. One day I might wear a sporty outfit and look like I plan to go to the gym (low key, I never actually go). A different day I might look like I just rolled out of bed and on a another day I might go for an “edgy chic” look like I did here.

My look isn’t very edgy but I felt like “edgy chic” described the whole ensemble pretty well. The mesh pulled the outfit to edgy and the jumpsuit pulled it to chic. To go along with the trend of wearing sleeved shirts under tank dresses and tank tops, I decided to pair my black, long sleeve mesh shirt with my floral jumpsuit. At first I wasn’t a big fan, but after trying it I can say I like it. For shoes, I wore my super comfortable black booties (you can never go wrong with black booties). For accessories, I didn’t do much but add my green and gold choker to the other two necklaces I always wear. I felt like the choker went along well with my floral jumpsuit.

I definitely tried something new with this outfit and the outcome was positive for me, so I encourage all of you to try new things! You never know what might just come out of it.
