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January 1st, 2016 at 2:00am

Hey everyone! I am Cindy and this is my first semester as a Style Guru for California State University San Bernardino. I am a Junior at California State University San Bernardino majoring in Business with a concentration in Marketing who will pursue a career in the fashion industry. At the moment I am a sales representative, member of American Marketing Association and now a Style Guru for this Spring semester.

My life can get a bit crazy at times with the busy schedule I have. I love maintaining myself active and busy. On my free time, I work out or go on adventures. For example, I like to do things that I’ve never experienced before or go to places I’ve never been to. I live my life on the edge. Whether if it’s going to the beach, paddle boarding, hiking, dancing at nightclubs or going snowboarding. Honestly, I’m always up for anything as long as it’s about making memories and having a great time. But when it comes to being responsible with work or school then of course I’ll leave that on the side for a bit. You just have to know what are your priorities if you’re trying to succeed in life and be willing to take those risks. Furthermore, I love taking pictures of my adventures or my outfits! You’ll always see me with a camera and Starbucks cup on my hand. They’re my every day essentials!

My style is a mixture of urban/street style to trendy style. But then it also depends on the occasion; whether if I’m going to the beach, snowboarding or a country concert. Then of course, I’ll switch up my style and wear cowboy boots with a cute outfit. But, on a regular daily basis my outfits will consist of black, neutral, white or olive green colors. They’re all classy colors. As the quote says, “Style represents who you are with out having to speak.” Therefore, my style tends to represent a girl with class because that’s the person I tend to be perceived as. But I’m not afraid to mix up my style at all if I have to. I like to have fun with it, which is the cool thing about fashion.

I cannot wait to only share my style with everyone this spring, but also share fun findings from my diverse campus in San Bernardino. I hope everyone is excited as I am, here’s to a fun semester. Don’t be afraid to do things out of your comfort zone, take risks and have fun. My favorite every day motto is “You only live once.”


  • Cindy De La Cruz

    Hey everyone! My name is Cindy De La Cruz and I am a senior at California State University San Bernardino. I am a Business Major with a concentration in Marketing who hopes to work with in the fashion industry some day. I am a celebrity stylist assistant, sales associate, V.P of Marketing for the club American Marketing Association and now to add to the list style guru for this summer semester.