May 29th, 2015 at 2:10am

Hey everyone my name is Nyaa Ferary and I’m a 20-year-old college student from New York City. I am currently attending Hampton University where I am majoring in Journalism and minoring in Marketing. Ultimately, my career goal would be becoming editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine so I can channel my inner Anna Wintour. I love writing and fashion inspires me, so the best career choice would be to join the two. My love of fashion has been an ongoing evolution since I was very young. My mother always dressed me in cute, stylish baby outfits. Once I was able to dress myself, clothes became another outlet for me to display my creativity.

Even though growing up I was a quiet kid, my clothes have always been well put together with a pop of color. Looking back, this is a direct reflection of my personality that is composed with a pop of vibrant personality. However, my recently revamped wardrobe is more in tune with the minimalist approach to fashion. I love solid colors and classy yet relaxed pieces. Growing up in a big city like New York, the key to a great outfit for me has always been something stylish yet practical. I enjoy switching my easygoing girly outfits for my leather jacket and grunge moments.

In-between my outrageous Instagram use (follow me @_darkrose), watching YouTube and trying out new restaurants, I’m excited to fit in being a Style Guru this summer. My CollegeFashionista posts will be all about showing off my city through fashion. Expect an array of flowing, vibrant colors as well as funky personalities for you all to RAD about this summer. Have a great one!
