
STYLE GURU BIO: Megan Sauers

January 5th, 2015 at 2:10am

Hi everyone! My name is Megan and I am extremely honored to call myself a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista. I attend Kent State University and this will be my final semester there. However, I don’t want to think about that now because that also means my final semester of the internship as I graduate from college in May. This is my sixth semester interning for CollegeFashionista and I have loved every second of it.

Fashion has always been one of my favorite things. I can remember collecting issues of Teen Vogue ever since I was in middle school. Yes, my collection is quite large now. I then got an opportunity to visit Teen Vogue’s offices during college and as soon as I stepped in the doors I knew my dream would be to work somewhere like that one day. I study English and Writing so to be able to mix that with fashion is the dream. CollegeFashionista has allowed me to experience it all. One of the coolest parts of the internship has been the people I have met along the way. The more people I meet, the more I learn about the industry and it is truly inspiring. Speaking of inspiration, I am someone who is inspired so easily. I can be exploring a city or just walking around campus and always observing what other people are wearing. Style is such a special kind of inspiration and I love when people are able to show their personality through what they are wearing.

I look forward to what my final semester with CollegeFashionista will bring. I also can’t wait to see what the trends will be across Kent State’s campus this spring. Spring fashion is always new and exciting. I will likely be wearing high-waisted skirts and button-down tops with boots as these are some of my favorite things. I am eager to see what everyone elses’ favorite things are this season as well!
