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May 30th, 2016 at 2:00am

Hello, and welcome to my fourth STYLE GURU BIO (and, yes it’s already been that long)! As of now, I’m halfway through my college career at Central Michigan University. As a fashion merchandising major and journalism/advertising minor, I have a summer full of plans that continue on my career path while still staying stylish.

This summer I will be traveling to London to study abroad at Central Saint Martins. I will be studying fashion communication while I’m in the London, but I have plans to sightsee “my most pinned” places all over Europe. Thank you Pinterest for wanderlust. These areas include Paris, Santorini, Belgium and Milan. Let’s see if I make it to all of them.

While abroad, I’m looking forward to having a cultural influence on my fashion taste. The fashion scene in Europe is a lot different than in the U.S., so I can’t wait to experiment with my style. Through my blog, ThatChicLex, I will be covering my whole European experience, so keep an eye out for my latest posts.

Right now, I’m obsessed with bohemian style, as I am every summer. Culottes rule my life, well my wardrobe. They are a cute, comfy option for the warmer season and seem to go with everything. I paired my light denim wash with a white lace crop. I love the bell sleeves on the crop top because they continue with the whimsical vibe. A bohemian look plays off its accessories. I paired a long necklace with the outfit which inspired the rest of the gold and brown accessories. My favorite piece is the brown leather purse. Although the Free People lace-up sandals follow quickly behind.

Whether you are studying abroad this summer or staying home, keep your style going strong through the summer. A bohemian look is effortless and screams summer.

Keep a heads up for my posts this semester. I can’t wait to share my fashion favorites and continue to inspire and guide my readers through the art of self-expression.
