
STYLE GURU BIO: Lauren Worley

September 1st, 2016 at 2:00am

Hello, I am Lauren Worley, and I am returning for my second semester here as a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista! I’m so excited for this fall, as fall is my favorite season for fashion because it’s not too hot and not too cold—and I am a sucker for sweaters and light jackets. I attend Ohio University, and I am a sophomore for this 2016–2017 year. I am majoring in fashion merchandising and have always been in love with the art of fashion since I was a wee little girl. Shopping has always been my biggest hobby, and it continues to be so even when I’m at the limit in my bank account.

My style is not very basic. It is a mixture of boho and rock. I like to switch things up a lot and look different every day. I love to play around with new trends figuring out how to make them look my own or change them to look more like a “Lauren Original.” I don’t like to try to look like everyone else walking around campus; I like to be different enough to stand out. My go-to item is always jeans, no matter the temperature outside. It could be the middle of summer, and you would see me walking down the street in jeans. My go-to accessory is definitely a choker or a necklace. I have too many chokers to count, but I love and wear them all equally.

I am so excited to be starting my next semester as a Style Guru and can’t wait for you to read my articles this fall. Stick around and see all of the future upcoming trends and accessories this fall semester! Be sure to stop by my page every month!
