

September 1st, 2016 at 2:00am

Hello fellow Fashionistas/os. Currently sitting here with Chinese food, wine, homework all over the table and watching the VMA’S with the roommates. Typical night over here trying to keep my life organized! Feeling inspired would be an understatement when it comes to this semester with CollegeFashionista. There have been many changes recently that have contributed to this including a new job and finally making the move to Tampa! It’s been chaotic but it’s all about the experience, right? You could definitely say that I’ve moved around quite a bit in the last couple years but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I absolutely love meeting people and adapting to new situations. It’s what makes life interesting. I relate moving and traveling to fashion and it’s what makes me appreciate it so much. I love observing different styles in different places; seeing everyone’s individuality. It’s what inspires me the most.

Summer, I like you a lot but it’s time to go. Fall is almost here and it can’t come soon enough. One can only handle so much of the Florida humidity, am I right?! Fall fashion is the best fashion, if you ask me. Bell bottoms are my absolute favorite right now and I can’t wait to be able to wear them without sweating to death! Accessories are a must and I personally love mix matching silver and gold. Have some fun with your jewelry!

This semester is a little lighter than the others so I’m in high hopes for some traveling. And by traveling, I mean trying to go to every Bassnectar show possible. The obsession is real; no apologies. My mind has been creatively spinning with all of these awesome changes going on so this semester with CollegeFashionista should be an interesting one!
