
STYLE GURU BIO: Julianne Keel

January 6th, 2016 at 2:00am

So, to introduce myself to you all I thought I would start off by showing you a more natural and real side of me. I stripped off the crazy makeup, the fun and trendy outfits (and put on some gamecock colors), while also giving you a simple and comfy me.

Ugh, isn’t it just the best to be able to slip something cute and comfortable on after a long day of classes or work and still look great doing it? It was a little chilly outside for this outfit, but lounging around in your house in these comfy black ripped jeanscropped t-shirt, and comfy garnet sweater, is the perfect way to accessorize on a lazy day when you’re not trying to be a total slob.

Anyway, I guess now would be as good time as ever to talk a little bit about my style. My style is always changing and refining due to current trends, but I’ve narrowed it down to four different major categories: vintage, classic, chic and even… preppy? I mean hey, I do attend a southern school. When I moved here freshmen year I was forced into buying a pair of Jack Rogers and I haven’t worn them since (is it too late now to say sorry?) What I’ve learned from moving from the north to down south is to stay true to who you are—and that doesn’t just include your fashion style. Don’t try and fit into some—as I call it—“style stereotype,” just to be like others. Wear what makes you feel happy, fashionable and beautiful! Throughout my 19 years of living I’ve made one serious conclusion about life and that is that fashion is something that is self-defined. If you feel comfortable and cute in a piko, bralette and pair of jean shorts then that’s what you like and you’re going to look damn good wearing it.

I’m so proud to have a style like mine that I get to show to you through this wonderful platform of creativity, as well as the fact that I get to photograph and blog about others who have their own refined style for me to look up to. Be sure to follow me as I take on this spring semester with a camera and a keen eye for fashion! Go Cocks!
