
STYLE GURU BIO: Jessica Hanna

August 31st, 2016 at 2:00am

Hello, Fashionista/os!! My name is Jessica and I’m very excited to be a Style Guru this semester! I am a sophomore studying Journalism at Michigan State University and this is my first semester with CollegeFashionista. I’m so excited to see what this semester holds for me! I can’t wait to showcase all of the different styles on MSU’s campus. The plethora of awesome outfits that I see each day is outstanding!

I’ve got to be honest, I haven’t always been such a Style Guru. I’ve had several fashion disasters, ones that we shall not speak of, in my day! Thankfully, as I grew older, my love for beauty and fashion grew with me. Now, don’t let me fool you, I may love high-end designers, but I’m also a sucker for a good fashion steal! My favorite places to shop for my wardrobe are ASOS, Forever 21 and H&M. I love simple staple pieces such as a jean jacket or a T-shirt and flannel.  My go-to look right now is definitely a white or black T-shirt with any pair of jeans, Birkenstock sandals and tons of accessories. I’ve also been really into baseball caps this season. They’re just such a great way to tie together an outfit, especially when you’re not having the best hair day! At the end of the day, I’m all about simplicity and comfort. If you’re not comfortable in what you’re wearing, it’s nearly impossible to wear it confidently, and everybody knows that confidence is key to looking absolutely stunning in any outfit!

Other than fashion, I have a burning passion for makeup and beauty in general. You honestly cannot send me into an Ulta or a Sephora without stripping me of my wallet. I can promise that I will spend at least a month’s pay in one trip. Sometimes I’m able to control myself, but most times the self-control is completely absent. Just as my love for high end fashion, my love of high end makeup can be completely forgotten when I find an affordable brand that I love. My favorite brand at the moment is Colourpop. Their formulas are just spectacular and you can’t pass up their prices!

As much as I love them, fashion and beauty are not the only two things that I love. Growing up I’ve always had a passion for music and performing. There was something about being able to make people happy just by singing that really made me content. I loved being a people pleaser. I’ve always been very outgoing and extroverted and I like to think that it’s the Aquarius in me. I’m also a firm believer of aliens, I love to watch Friends on Netflix and conspiracy theories are my favorite pastime.

Again, I’m so excited to be a part of CollegeFashionista this semester! I absolutely cannot wait to share the styles and outfits that inspire me most, with all of you Fashionista/os! I hope that I can inspire you all to look amazing and be confident doing so!
