

January 6th, 2017 at 2:10am

Hey there, fashion goers! I’m Jamie, and this will be my second semester writing for CollegeFashionista. I am currently a sophomore at Rutgers University in New Brunswick studying business marketing and digital communication, information, and media. Last semester I was the Head Style Guru on campus and this semester I will be a part of the Social Media Society.

To put a spin on my last Style Guru Bio, this time around I thought I would delve more into why CollegeFashionista really hits home for me. Coming into college, everyone tells you to join clubs and to get involved in what you’re passionate about. CollegeFashionista brings me an entirely new opportunity outside of Rutgers to get involved in the fashion community at large. Of course there are other fashion clubs (which I am a part of), but it’s truly eye-opening to be part of something even bigger than a state university campus. More importantly, CollegeFashionista offers me a chance to write about fashion–something I love to do now and would love to do in the future…hopefully with Vogue.

Let’s move on to my outfit. Like any typical college student, I brought home my entire closet for winter break when I honestly just recycle the same outfits. My Style Guru Bio outfit features a chunky white faux-fleece jacket from WhoWhatWear’s holiday collection at Target on top of a distressed Led Zeppelin band T-shirt. I paired it with a pair of light denim Carmar jeans with a gorgeous tie detailing on the sides and of course, some taupe booties. For my accessories, I added a thick, black velvet choker and a double-buckle belt with gold details.

With winter in full blast, I find myself throwing on tons of layers. I personally love adding depth and texture to every outfit, not only to keep warm but to spice things up a bit too. For the past month, you would have probably seen me in some type of turtleneck, whether it be a shirt or a sweater, paired with a pair of denim jeans and Sam Edelman Blake Booties. You can’t forget the winter coat and blanket scarf on top of it all either, those are definitely winter essentials in my book.

My signature to any look is to always stay true to yourself and reflect your personality the best you can with each outfit you create. Especially during winter, I try my best to combine comfort and chicness and I hope you all got a little taste of that in this post. I can’t wait to continue sharing fashion and style advice throughout this semester and I’m excited for the new opportunities that CollegeFashionista will bring!

