Hello, and welcome to my third STYLE GURU BIO of my CollegeFashionista career. This post officially marks one year of scouting out Fashionista/o’s at the University of Iowa and begging them to let me take their photos. That being said, welcome aboard another semester of #RAD posts and to those of you who are new, here’s a little blurb about myself.
At the beginning of college, I made my decision based primarily on making the dance team. I knew absolutely nothing about the University of Iowa and was 100 percent sure that I would one day be Dr. Reimer. While I enjoyed my two years on the team, after my sophomore year I decided to make the switch over to focusing on my career as a journalist (peace out Dr. Reimer- you sounded better in my head).
So now, well into my junior year, I’ve discovered a new home at Iowa by way of the journalism school. I currently work for Daily Iowan TV and love my on camera time as a sports anchor and reporter. On the lighter side of things I love journaling, concert-going, spontaneous road-trip making and posting pictures of my dinner on Instagram.
As I’ve treaded my way through college, there is no doubt a reflection of the route I’ve taken in my personal style. I’ve never been very good at picking one thing to specialize in or brand myself as. What I mean by this is I wouldn’t just call myself a fashion blogger or sports enthusiast. I wouldn’t even just call myself a dancer. And to me, that’s A-OK. No sense of squeezing myself into a tiny box because it rolls of the tongue better to just call myself a Fashion Blogger or Sports Reporter. What I’m saying is I pride myself in wearing several different hats throughout a given day. In terms of my style, I do the same thing (both figuratively and literally because we all know I love myself a good ball cap). Whether it’s patterns, textures, materials or casual vs. dressy, a go-to Holly outfit blends things together that may not strike you as something that should work together. Cohesive contradictions equal praise hands emoji.
If you would have asked me to wear a fur coat with sneaks at the beginning of my journey at CollegeFashionista I would have probably asked you if you knew who you were talking to. I’ve loved learning more about myself through this experience and becoming more comfortable with broadcasting those realizations through my clothing.
So hey, I got a little sappy but I can’t wait to embark on another #RAD semester with CollegeFashionista and hope to see you checking out my articles and eclectic life.