

January 20th, 2017 at 2:00am

Hello Fashionistas! My name is Grace. I am a sophomore communication major focusing on broadcast production and risk and crisis communication at Washington State University. I hope to direct my own news broadcast someday. I also row on the WSU women’s rowing team. I am so excited to by a CollegeFashionista Style Guru for the very first time this semester. I love that I finally have a reason to take photos and write about what I’m doing and the clothes I’m wearing.

Even though I don’t have a ton of time between school and rowing, I love expressing myself through fashion. I think it’s the best way for someone to get to know me instantly or see how I’m feeling. Especially when it is hard to get to know people outside of athletics.

I love curating a style that’s all my own. Whether it’s from bright colors to crazy patterns, I love wearing pieces a little bit outside of the box. While I like starting out with a classic silhouette, I also like to add color through patterned fabrics or accessories to make my outfit more interesting. I wouldn’t call my style minimalistic but I wouldn’t say I have tons of extra things happening.

Some of you may be wondering about the shoes I’m wearing. Snow boots are super popular at my university at the moment because they keep you from sliding around on the ice. However, this didn’t keep me from slipping on some black ice during finals week last semester and breaking my ankle in three places. I’ll have the boot for the next three months so it might be featured in some of my posts. Though for right now, it’s just keeping me from wearing cute shoes on both feet.

Since I have so much happening on my legs right now, I try to keep everything simple on top. I paired a simple white T-shirt and high-waisted black ripped jeans together so I could have as many accessories as I wanted. My colorful bracelets, ring, pins, big earrings, and faded pink streak in my hair allow me to subtly play with color and volume you must pay close attention to see. Recently, I love putting fun pins on my black winter coat. It spices up my simple jacket and allows me to have a unique look on a campus that is currently full of black down winter coats.

If you thought this was cool, make sure to follow me on all my social media accounts. I can’t wait to interact with as many of you as possible!
