
STYLE GURU BIO: Emily Corbin

January 5th, 2016 at 2:10am

Hello, it’s me.

Can’t believe I’m already beginning my second semester as a Style Guru. Wow, time really does fly when you’re having fun. Get excited to hear more of my fashion advice – whether you like it or not. As I dive into this for a second semester, I am reminded that I can’t wait to share my discoveries with you here at Syracuse University.

Last time you heard from me, I was a confused first semester sophomore, but now I basically have my life figured out. I declared a major in advertising with the hopes to land an internship in the fashion world of advertising as well as a marketing minor. Fashion is still my number one priority, and my favorite pass times are online shopping and stalking the new trends on social media.

It’s a common misconception that you need money to express yourself, but you don’t. I frequent thrift shops and even make the trip into an adventure. Syracuse campus contains food, two boutiques, a miniature thrift store and more tailgate apparel than you could ever need – I’m not complaining. But the hidden gem is the availability of thrift stores right outside the city, and it’s definitely a blessing.

The outfit I am rocking here is perfect for any occasion – casual, but unique. Layers. That’s my new thing. Ripped gray jeans, tie-dye tank top under a simple gray V-neck sweater and you’re ready to go. Finish the look off with adidas sneakers and Ray-Ban sunglasses.

Fashion is whatever you make of it; there are no rules. I am pumped to explore the world of fashion and keep you posted on my new discoveries.
