Wait, is it round two already? I cannot believe how fast this semester has gone, but I am more than happy to be moving forward.
Hello Fashionistas and Fashionistos! I am Breion Hawkins and this is my second semester as a CollegeFashionista Style Guru. I am currently a sophomore at Bowling Green State University, who is pursuing a bachelors of science in apparel merchandising and product development, with a marketing minor. In my first SYLE GURU BIO, I expressed how excited I was to intern as a Style Guru. And after completing my first semester my excitement has extremely grown.
Being a Style Guru intern has been a rewarding experience, because it has allowed me to reintroduce myself to things that I enjoy, such as fashion, photography and blogging. My interest in fashion began with my interest in drawing. During the fifth grade, I began drawing after being inspired by my older cousin. Then, as time passed I noticed my little doodles formed into sketches of aspiring clothing lines.
Nowadays, I do not draw anymore. However, fashion is still an interest of mine. No, I cannot name every designer, nor tell you what season a garment is from. But, I can appreciate and admire the beauty of fashion. What I like most about fashion is that it allows openness, versatility, creativity and so much more. Therefore, fashion enables an individual to become whomever or whatever they desire.
In this look I am wearing a few of my favorites. I love wearing this gray sunflower printed top, because the dark shades are a great way to strut floral prints during the winter. Also, I wore this long cardigan and knit headband from Old Navy. These two warm and cozy items have become my go-to pieces. And since I am forever obsessed with burgundy, I had to wear my New York and Company leggings.
During this semester, I look forward to growing and improving, whether as a Style Guru, student or in general. So, I hope you have a RAD semester and make sure to stay tuned for what’s to come this time around.