
STYLE GURU BIO: Ashley Cardona

January 4th, 2017 at 2:10am

Hey guys! My name is Ashley Jasmine Cardona and I’m from Miami, Florida. I’ve attended Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida for almost two years but in the spring I’ll be at Columbus State Community College in Columbus, Ohio in hopes to transfer to Ohio State University for their fashion and retail studies major in the fall. Honestly I’m just a 19-year-old following her dreams and I am so excited to see what next semester has in store for me as a Style Guru!

One thing that I realized this year is that we shouldn’t be entitled to just one style. Fashion is about expressing yourself and loving all your unique qualities. My style ranges from boho to street style and it also depends on what mood I’m in. If I’m headed to class I throw on whatever I find, but if I’m going out with my friends it’s a whole different story. I look forward to going out because I enjoy putting outfits together and taking time doing my makeup. Also, the compliments that I get throughout the night make it all worthwhile.

For this look I went with distressed blue jeans, an oversized gray sweater and I paired it with my favorite booties. I have super curly hair and since I can’t wash my hair every day, I put it up in a bun. Now I’ve taught myself how to do a head wrap. This turned out to be a lot easier than I thought and I came to find out that all I needed was a scarf. It added an African queen vibe to my outfit and I loved it!

I hope you guys have an amazing semester and if you’d like to keep up with my latest posts, make sure to go follow my social media!
