STYLE GURU BIO: Andrea Guzmán

August 31st, 2015 at 2:00am

Hello there! You guys may not know me because this is my first semester as a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista, so let me introduce myself to you.

My name is Andrea Guzmán but you can call me Andre. I’m a 20 years-old Colombian Fashion Design student at Colegiatura Colombiana. One of my dreams as a Fashion Designer is to be a part of some of the best fashion magazines and that’s why I’m so excited to be a Style Guru! I know I will learn a lot from CollegeFashionista and I’m really happy about that.

Besides the fashion journalism, I would love to be a lingerie designer. I always liked lingerie but this year in college, I found out that’s what I love the most and it turns out I’m good at it! So right now I feel that’s what I was born to do because I have never felt as excited about a college project as I feel about this one.

Some other things I love include dogs—especially English Bulldogs—pizza, photography, black clothes, big accessories, horror and drama movies, tattoos, Lana del Rey and bothering my boyfriend.

As for my style, I have no idea what can I say! My stylist—and by “stylist” I mean my mom—says I don’t have one definite style. And she might be right! I don’t pursuit one kind of style, I’m really open-minded about fashion. I would love to look like Cher from Clueless but I’m definitely not a cute style girl. I love black, especially wearing all-black! I also love denim, studs, faux fur and leather and comfy shoes. Maybe I’m a Clueless Gothic/Rock girl…no, probably not. Perhaps when you start seeing my outfits, you can tell me what my style is!

By now, I think that’s everything I can say. I’m sure this will be an amazing experience and I can’t wait for you to see all the style my college has to show! You’ll see it and you’ll love it!
