Hello fellow fashion lovers! My name is Ami, and I am currently a Fashion Merchandising student at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania. Since I was little, I have known that I was deeply connected to the world of fashion. For me, there was nothing more exciting than participating in the hunt for the perfect first day of school outfit. As a result, I’ve fallen in love with fashion over the years, and I’m never falling out of it.
My personal style can be hard to define at times because it evolves every season, just as my interests do. I find that my style is often affected by the television shows I am binge-watching, the music I’m cranking as I drive with the windows down or even my current aspirations. For example: I once found myself addicted to headbands due to Blair Waldorf’s fierce revival of the hair accessory in Gossip Girl. Right now I find myself inspired by casual and boho styles as I have just finished up with finals. You can never go wrong with a muted hue cardigan paired with a boldly colored camisole. Top it off with a pendant necklace and a fringe bag and you’re golden! Though a consistent style is often considered to be an individual’s trademark, I don’t wish to portray a concrete image of myself, at least not yet anyway. I like to keep everyone on their toes, it makes life and fashion interesting.
To my friends I’m known as the girl who will spend copious amounts of money on odd fashion magazines (even though I know I can read a majority of the articles on line for free). When I get dressed in the morning, I act as though any moment or meeting I experience is career defining, because it is my belief that it truly can be. Fashion bloggers are currently taking the world by storm, and there is nothing more exciting to me right now.
I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to the community of Fashionistas and Fashionistos at CollegeFashionista. Look out readers, because I will have an array of awe-inspiring styles coming your way very soon!