
STYLE GURU BIO: Alisa Curmaci

August 29th, 2016 at 2:00am

Another day, another Style Guru Bio. My name is Alisa and I’m a junior at Temple University. This is my second semester writing one of these bad boys and a lot has changed since then. For starters, I went from a major in architecture (possibly due to a quarter-life crisis of not knowing what I wanted to do with my life) and now I’m happily settled in the business school here as a marketing major. With a concentration in retail buying, I plan to be a be a buyer for stores like Urban Outfitters and online shops like Zara.

I spent a lot of my time in the past months working to buy clothes from all my favorite stores and could quite possibly be described as a shopaholic (sorry Mom for not saving my money this summer like I promised I would). Along with cutting my hair shorter than my average, “Don’t you dare put your scissors near my head,” traveling to some of the most beautiful places in the world and saying “yes” to things I normally wouldn’t, I have been working on self-love. A little over a year ago today, I told my two best friends that I liked girls. After the endless love and support I received from them, I made a promise to accept myself for who I truly am. I would be lying if I said the whole process was easy. I lost myself this time last year, trying to dress and act like someone I wasn’t. Now, 365 days later, I found myself again. I reclaimed my love of fashion through this internship and could not be more content with how I am now!

This fall, I am focusing on nailing the perfect mix of comfy cozy outfits that are still gonna turn heads. My style has gone from jeans and T-shirts to wanting to wear pants as little as possible. I love mixing colors and think playing off warm tones should be a major do. Simplicity is key, whether it be with your makeup or your accessories. Lately, I’ve been into simple silver jewelry as basic accents. Since there’s a heat wave that seems like it’s never going to end, I like wearing open-toed shoes. These are my go-to’s. I get a lot of my dresses from Urban Outfitters and Buffalo Exchange, a thrift store located in Philadelphia. I could spend a whole day walking up and down Walnut and Chestnut Street, the two main shopping streets in Center City.

I’m excited to see what new styles will appear this fall since it is my favorite fashion season. Keeping up with the current trends in the city is going to be my favorite thing about my semester, and I can’t wait to share some RAD outfits worn by some RAD people! I hope you guys are as ready as I am to rock some new trends in these upcoming months!
