
STYLE GURU BIO: Alexandria Gentile

January 4th, 2016 at 2:00am

Hey everyone! My name is Alexandria Gentile, Alex for short. I originally hail from the south suburbs of Chicago, but decided to escape suburbia by heading to the University of Missouri to study journalism and political science. Although I miss the hustle and bustle of the city and Portillo’s cake shakes, Columbia has become my home. During the fall semester I had an amazing experience writing for CollegeFashionista and I’m so excited to continue spotlighting the trendsetters I find on campus this spring!

When I first became a part of the CollegeFashionista Guru family, I was moving into my new dorm and new life here at Mizzou. I was excited, hopeful and a little scared with not a clue about what was ahead. From late night breakfasts to all-nighters at the library, I truly have had the “college experience” this past semester. But beyond all the experiences I have collected, I really have grown beyond the person I was when my family moved me into Schurz Hall in August.

Despite all the craziness of college, I’ve become quite the busy bee. On top of my academic schedule, I’m the Social Media Chair for Mizzou College Republicans, I write weekly for HerCampus, and am part of the Little Sisters of the Gold Rose, a community service sorority. In my free time, I love to shop (a little too often) at a few of my favorite boutiques in downtown Columbia, eat Domino’s pizza at all hours of the night, enjoy Mizzou’s nightlife with friends, and travel.

This semester, I hope to feature a diverse group of Fashionistas, each with a distinct and strong sense of personal style. After navigating the ins and outs of writing and shooting fashion last semester, I’m ready to showcase the best of Mizzou’s campus and can’t wait to see what you all think. Here’s to another RAD semester!
