
STYLE GURU BIO: Alanna Kouri

January 4th, 2016 at 2:00am

Hello friends, family, and Internet stalkers. This being my third style guru bio, I am sorry to admit that I am somewhat at a loss. You never realize how truly boring you are until someone asks you to talk about yourself. Suddenly all you can muster up is, I’m making my way through the 15th season of Law and Order: SVU and I am really good at making Pinterest boards of things I never make. Yes, I am pretty proud of myself.

But if I have learned anything in my 19 years it is that we have to give ourselves credit. Yes, even for the smallest things. So, in that case, I’m not boring. I’m awesome. I only skipped about seven of my 9:00 a.m. classes this semester, granted that’s about 20 percent but small details. Also, I cooked a meal the other day. It was a monumental moment. Also a slightly too salty moment, but monumental none the less. I finally finished that book I started in the summer. Okay, fine, I am halfway. Sue me. I also learned to wear socks with the shoes I am wearing the pictures above. But only after getting scarring blisters and having to walk home bare foot in the middle of the day. And lastly, I ended this semester without posting on Facebook how #blessed I am for the grades I ended with.

So, you see. I know I have a lot more to learn. What is statistics useful for? There are how many Star Wars? Is frozen yogurt bad for you? Could I live off of candy or is it just frowned upon? So many questions, that I don’t have the answers to. But I do know one thing: if you don’t give yourself credit for the little stuff, you’ll never have the confidence to achieve the big stuff. Yes, that was cheesy. But also very wise. You’re welcome.

Photographed outfit: White button-down dress, plaid shirt tied around my waist (men’s style are always better), white shoes that are competing with the sun, and a big black tote.
