STYLE ADVICE: Winter Blues

March 3rd, 2017 at 2:00am

February can really drag on, especially if you live on the east coast and you’ve already had three months of cold weather. So getting dressed up and feeling put together can feel like a drag, especially when sweatpants are so comfortable. But February is only a month away from March, and March means spring!

One way I like to dress up in the winter is by making sure my outerwear and footwear are on point. On cold windy days, these two components of your outfit are basically the only ones being seen when you’re braving the cold. Wearing a basic, foolproof outfit underneath your coat statement coat or jacket is the way to go.

This Fashionista kept things simple underneath with a basic black crop top and high-waisted jeans, but what made her outfit go from bland to grand were her shoes and coat. She paired her outfit with beautiful camel colored wool coat that was warm enough to save her from being cold. She then took a simple pair of red heels and matched them with my favorite trend: fishnets. For the past couple months, fishnets have taken the fashion world by storm. They look great as socks as shown here, underneath ripped jeans, or as a shirt. I’m loving it and I hope it doesn’t go away any time soon.

Pretty soon we’ll trade in our coats for light jackets and our boots for sandals and cute sneakers. Until then, you can easily spice up your outfit with nice outerwear and the right shoes.
