STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK: Sunglasses And Winter Classes

February 24th, 2015 at 2:00am

No, readers, your eyes are not deceiving you. The sun has actually come out to play today for the first time in weeks. If you’re not in Binghamton, this might not sound particularly exciting or remarkable to you. But, trust me when I say it is a monumental occasion that has literally brightened everyone’s day here upstate. The past couple of weeks have been filled with snow and windstorms reaching temperatures with a “real feel” between -20°F and -35°F.

Recently, students have been cutting through buildings on their way to the Lecture Hall to avoid walking outdoors. When I noticed this Fashionista leisurely strolling down the path alongside the buildings today, wearing sunglasses and an unzipped coat, I knew I had to approach her. We both shared how relieved we were to not have to bury ourselves in five layers, and she was ecstatic to be able to wear only a headband to protect her ears. The black headband had a simple yet elegant looking design.

When contemplating which sunglasses to put on that morning, she decided to choose her boldest and widest pair. The opportunity to whip them out at all this season was rare and she wanted get use out of her favorite Cole Haans. She threw on a standard winter outfit—a thin sweater, leggings and knee-high boots—and her accessories were her “stand-out” pieces.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK?: “If you go to Binghamton or go to school in an area with similar weather patterns, take advantage of those infrequent sunny days! Dig through that closet until you find those sunglasses; I guarantee just wearing them will make your day that much more enjoyable like it did to mine!”
