February 2nd, 2015 at 2:10am

 When you’re constantly on the go, it can be hard to create outfits that keep you comfortable, no matter the temperature. Layering is easily one of the most important skills for any Fashionista to master. From class to social time with friends, having to pile on clothes just to be prepared for varying temperatures can be a pain. The best way to avoid this hassle is to layer simple items, just as this week’s Fashionista has.

Effortlessly pulling off the layered look, I spotted this Fashionista wearing a black crewneck sweater over a white button-up shirt. Her sweater and shirt are paired with skinny blue jeans, rolled up to reveal her black ankle boots. For extra warmth, she wears a black and white houndstooth scarf with a gray jacket. The jacket has leather accents on the elbows and inside to add just the right amount of grunge to the otherwise preppy outfit. The leather jacket and boots perfectly contribute variety to the outfit by adding contrast in texture.

What’s black, white and cute all over? The color scheme this Fashionista created! The basic colors pull all of the layers and textures of the outfit together. She balanced her look using denim, gray, black and white. The pattern of the scarf and texture of the leather work really well with the subdued colors, making this outfit stand out.

For best results when layering, it is important to remember not to over do it. This Fashionista did it perfectly with her thin white button-up, which acts as a layer, but not a bulky one. If you choose to layer items that are bulky, it will not only be unflattering, but also uncomfortable. You want the layers to sit right on your body and complement your shape, not hide it! To master this skill, don’t be apprehensive about mixing textures, colors and shapes. Play around with your own style and find a layering technique that works best for you.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “I love wearing black, but know that a good outfit has a little variety. Black and white are a classic pair that will never do you wrong.”
